Saturday, December 17, 2016

Monovision Contact Lenses in Bunker Hill and Houston TX Area

What is Monovision?

Monovision is the name for specific prescriptive contact lenses designed and fitted for patients with presbyopia. These prescriptive contact lenses act as a form of treatment for this age-related deterioration of vision, helping a patient to adjust their focus on objects near and far.

 What is Presbyopia?

Presbyopia is the name given to the gradual deterioration of vision in aging eyes. This inevitable change in vision occurs as we get older, and usually begins around the age of 40 years. As we age the lens in our eyes become inflexible and rigid, preventing us from adjusting its shape. This inability to adjust the lens shape then creates difficulty for us in focussing on objects far and close to us.

 What are the symptoms of Presbyopia?

If you have difficulty reading small print, or focussing on objects close to you, then you may be exhibiting symptoms of presbyopia. A common tell-tale sign of presbyopia is having to hold an object – especially reading material – at arm’s length for you to be able to focus on it clearly. Though these are symptoms of presbyopia, only an eye examination can confirm you have this condition.

 What are the treatments for  Presbyopia?

Monovision is one of the treatments for presbyopia, and works by fitting one eye with a distance lens (if required) and the other eye with a near lens. These two lenses, when worn, allows the wearer to achieve a clearer vision of both far and near distances. There are also other treatment options available, including bifocal glasses, progressive lenses, multifocal contact lenses, and prescription reading glasses.

 How do monovision contact lenses work?

We all have one eye that is dominant, and another eye that is non-dominant. We rely more on our dominant eye to focus on far distances (as compared to our non-dominant), and our brain pays more attention to the visual information from this dominant eye. This means that when we fit a patient with monovision contact lenses to treat their presbyopia, we fit the non-dominant eye with a lens for near distances, and a contact lens for the dominant eye (if required) to correct distance vision. This then “tricks” the brain into thinking the contact lenses are part of the natural eye – and this process usually takes a fortnight, as the brain needs time to adapt to monovision contact lenses.

Regardless of the type of contact lenses you wear, an annual eye exam is recommended to ensure the continued good health of your eyes. Schedule an appointment for an assessment and advice at Vision Source Westview in Houston, and we will be in touch with you shortly.

Source: Monovision at Vision Source Westview

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